Inpatient Rehab Wall of Fame: Stacy Lee

In January of 2024, Stacy Lee was out shopping with his wife when he suffered a stroke that left him paralyzed on the right side of his body. Upon arrival to Saint Francis Medical Center, he was unable to speak, walk or take care of his own personal needs. On January 25, 2024, Stacy was stable enough to start inpatient rehab at Saint Francis Medical Center. While on rehab he worked hard to be able to communicate, walk and dress himself.
At the time, he was frustrated, but never gave up and worked even harder in speech, occupational and physical therapy to achieve his goals, focusing on improving his cognitive and physical deficits. His wife Julie was a tremendous support to him and never left his side.
On March 8, 2024, Stacy had progressed enough to return home. At the time of his discharge, he was able to dress himself without assistance and he was walking approximately 240 feet with a cane with some assistance. Once he returned home, he continued working hard in speech, occupational and physical therapy in the outpatient setting. Stacy’s hard work and perseverance have paid off. He is now able to carry on a conversation and is walking with a cane independently and is even getting up in the morning and making coffee.
From the Family
“Words cannot even begin to express how thankful we are for the inpatient therapy that Stacy received at St. Francis Medical Center after his stroke.
“Therapy is the reason he is standing in the kitchen unaided in this photo making his own peanut butter sandwich since his stroke in January. Stacy loved therapy and seeing what he could accomplish. No matter how he was feeling or what he was going through, he NEVER gave up! No Pain No Gain was the words he used and still uses to this day!
“He still thrives to do his best today in Saint Francis outpatient therapy. Without Saint Francis therapy he would not be where he is at today! Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts! Therapy is the best aid to recovery!”